Wednesday, July 2, 2008

California Love

So I'm sitting in the resident lounge at my appartment catching up on work when a couple of my fellow residents (one who seems a lil lost, the other who seems a lil slow) are watching Poetic Justice. He then begins to talk about how much he likes Oakland (He doesn't know that's my hometown) and spent some quality time there in '98. I smile as he comments the the people in Oakland were "cooler" than the residents of say, San Francisco or LA, and I chuckle to myself and say nothing as I continue researching all the state elections for the 2008 election cycle for work.

The other resident, who upon last meeting not so subtly asked for a foot massage from an acquaintance (and didn' receive it) asks if Oakland was full of upper middle class people because "I thought it was ghetto." he laughed and confirmed it's "ghetto-ness". It was all I could do to not bust out laughin....1 point for the slow girl!

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